Op.Dr.İhsan Türkmen
Esthetische en Plastische Chirurgie Specialist

İhsan Türkmen studeerde tussen 2002-2008 aan de Çapa Faculteit der Geneeskunde van de Universiteit van Istanbul.

In het tweede jaar van zijn opleiding volgde hij gedurende 1 maand een training in vaatchirurgie in het Zagreb Clinical Hospital Dubrava in Kroatië als onderdeel van het TURKMSIC studentenuitwisselingsprogramma.

In 2010 begon hij zijn specialisatie in Plastische, Reconstructieve en Esthetische Chirurgie in het Istanbul Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital. Hij nam deel aan de 24e basiscursus microchirurgie, georganiseerd door de Reconstructive Microsurgery Association in maart 2015 en ontving een microchirurgiecertificaat.

Hij ontving de titel van specialist in plastische, reconstructieve en esthetische chirurgie in 2015. Onmiddellijk na het voltooien van zijn specialiteitsopleiding voltooide hij zijn verplichte dienst als specialist in plastische chirurgie in het Mardin State Hospital. Tijdens de verplichte dienst verrichtte hij vrij vaak esthetische chirurgie in Mardin en hij werd met grote belangstelling gevolgd door pers en publiek. Hij woonde Dorsum Preservation Rhinoplasty (letdown-pushdown) Cadaver Course bij die in april 2017 in Barcelona werd gehouden.

Na zijn dienstplicht nam hij ontslag in 2017 en begon hij te werken als specialist in esthetische en plastische chirurgie in het Acıbadem Ankara-ziekenhuis. Sinds mei 2019 zet hij zijn werkzame leven en operaties voort in de Istanbul Vanity Aesthetic Surgery Clinic. Hij is lid van de Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association (TPRECD), European Rhinoplasty Society (Rhinoplasty Society of Europe) en Istanbul Medical Chamber.

Hij maakt patroon- en sculptuurstudies bekend als effectief bij de ontwikkeling van esthetisch visueel vermogen. Hij is getrouwd en heeft een dochter en een zoon.


Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery/Assistant Doctor (2008-2009)

Kayseri Yeşilhisar State Hospital, Emergency Service / General Practitioner (2009-2010)

Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic / Assistant Doctor (2010-2015)

Mardin State Hospital / Specialist Doctor (2016-2017)

Acıbadem Ankara Hospital / Specialist Doctor (2017- 2019)

Vanity Plastic Surgery Center / Specialist Doctor (……… – Still working)


Clinical Hospital Dubrava – Zagreb / CROATIA

Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic (September 2004)


  1. Cutaneous Malignant Granular Cell Tumor: Case Report
    Zeytin K, Toksoy S, Mert AI, Türkmen İ, Önenerk M Türk Plastik, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgical Journal 2013 Volume 21, Issue 3
  2. Evaluation of Nail Bed Injury Patients: Does nail adaptation increase the morbidity?
    Çiloğlu S, Türkmen İ, Gümüş N Turkish Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgical Journal 2014 Volume 22, Issue 2
  3. Coexistence of Bifid Median Nerve and Palmar Type Median Artery in Pediatric Trauma Patient. Duran A, Büyükdoğan H, Önsal , Türkmen İ, Ciloğlu S. Hand and Microsurgery Journal 2013 Volume 2, Issue 2
  4. Ulnar Nerve Compression Due to Arteriovenous Malformation in Guyon Canal
    Çiloğlu S, Keskin E, Türkmen İ, Duran A, Eraslan Hand and Microsurgery Journal 2013 Volume 2, Issue 2
  5. A Rare Case : Coexistence of Symphalangism and Wassel Type 3 Polydactyl
    Çiloğlu S, Duran A, Türkmen İ, Önsal E, Büyükdoğan H Eraslan Hand and Microsurgery Journal 2013 Volume 2, Issue 2


  1. Common Penoscrotal Lymphedema Case Report
    Dr. Sinem Çiloğlu, Dr.Kayhan Zeytin, Dr.İhsan Türkmen, Dr.Mustafa Tercan
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 33rd National Committee
    September 2011 İzmir. Poster
  2. Evaluation of Nail Bed Injured Patients: Does Nail Adaptation increase the Morbidity?
    Dr. Nesrin Gümüş, Dr. İhsan Türkmen, Dr. Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 34th National Committee
    October 2012 Antalya. Oral Presentation
  3. Schwannoma in the Nasal Crest; Case Report
    Dr. Ayşe İrem Mert, Dr.İhsan Türkmen, Dr.Afet Öncel, Dr.Nesibe Sinem ÇiloğlU
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 34th National Committee
    October 2012 Antalya. Poster
  4. Lipofibromatous Hamartoma which settled in the Median Nerve: Case Report
    Dr. İhsan Türkmen, Dr.Nesrin Gümüş, Dr.Teoman Eraslan, Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 34th National Committee
    October 2012 Antalya. Poster
  5. Calcinosis Cutis in Scapular Area: Case Report
    Dr. İhsan Türkmen, Dr.Nesrin Gümüş,Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 34th National Committee
    October 2012 Antalya. Poster
  6. Effects of Resveratrol on Tendon Healing in Diabetic Rats.
    Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu, Dr.Kayhan Zeytin,Dr. İhsan Türkmen,Dr. Fügen Vardar Aker, Dr.Filiz Ateş, Dr.Feriha Ercan
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 35th National Committee
    October 2013 İstanbul. Oral Presentation
  7. Malignant Melanoma and 10 years Clinical Experiences of Us
    Dr. Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu, Dr.Ayşe İrem Mert,Dr.İhsan Türkmen
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 35th National Committee
    October 2013 İstanbul. Oral Presentation
  8. Clinical Experiences of Us About Soft Tissue Malignancies
    Dr. Alpay Duran, Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çilığlu,Dr.Ayşe İrem Mert, Dr.İhsan Türkmen
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 35th National Committee
    October 2013 İstanbul. Oral Presentation
  9. A Case of SCC After Vemurafenib Treatment
    Dr. Alpay Duran, Dr.Erkin Önsal, Dr.İhsan Türkmen,Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 35th National Committee
    October 2013 İstanbul. Poster
  10. Early Emerging Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,Palmaris, Brevis and Presence of Median Artery: Case Report
    Dr. İhsan Türkmen, Dr.Ayşe İrem Mert, Dr.Nesrin Gümüş,Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 35th National Committee
    October 2013 İstanbul. Poster
  11. Anterior Transposition of Ulnar Nerve with Facial Flap in Patients with Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Clinical Experiences of Us.
    Dr.Ayşe İrem Mert,Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr.Alpay Duran,Dr.İhsan Türkmen
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 35th National Committee
    October 2013 İstanbul. Poster
  12. Coexistence of Bifid Median Nerve and Palmar Type Median Artery in Pediatric Trauma Patient.

    Dr.Alpay Duran,Dr.Hasan Büyükdoğan,Dr.Erkin Önsal,Dr.İhsan Türkmen,Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu
    14th National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery.
    May 2014 Bursa. Poster

  1. Ulnar Nerve Compression Due to Arteriovenous Malformation in Guyon Canal
    Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr.Ekrem Keskin,Dr.İhsan Türkmen,Dr.Alpay Duran, Dr.Teoman Eraslan
    14th National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery.
    May 2014 Bursa. Poster
  2. A Rare Case: Coexistence of Symphalangism and Wassel Type 3 Polydactyl
    Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr.Alpay Duran,Dr.İhsan Türkmen,Dr.Erkin Önsal, Dr.Hasan Büyükdoğan
    14th National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery.
    May 2014 Bursa. Poster
  3. Hand Settled Masses: 5 Years of Backward Analysis
    Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu, Dr.İhsan Türkmen, Dr.Alpay Duran, Dr.Teoman Eraslan,Dr. Erinç Evrensel, Dr.Erkin Önsal
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 36th National Committee
    October 2014 Istanbul. Poster
  4. Ulnar Polydactyl: A Classification System and Clinical Series
    Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr. Alpay Duran, Dr.Ahmet Yiğit, Dr.Teoman Eraslan, Dr.Shahrukh Omar, Dr.İhsan Türkmen
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 36th National Committee
    October 2014 Istanbul. Poster
  5. Giant Lumber Mass: Primary Cardiac Spindle Cell Sarcoma Metastasis
    Dr.Alpay Duran,Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu, Dr.İhsan Türkmen,Dr. Hasan Büyükdoğan,Dr. Ufuk Çiloğlu,
    Dr.Teoman Eraslan
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 36th National Committee
    October 2014 Istanbul. Poster
  6. Chronic Open Wound : Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome
    Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr. Hasan Büyükdoğan, Dr.Alpay Duran,Dr. Şirin Pekcan, Dr.İhsan Türkmen Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 36th National Committee
    October 2014 Istanbul. Poster
  7. Effects of Apocrine on Graft Survival in Rat Composite Graft Model
    Dr.İhsan Türkmen,Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr.Teoman Eraslan Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 37th National Committee
    November 2015 Ankara. Oral Presentation
  8. Inhibitory Effect of Apocrine on Flap Necrosis in Ischemia Reperfusion Injured Muscle Flap model of Rats
    Dr.Teoman Eraslan,Dr. Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr. İhsan Türkmen,Dr.Hasan Büyükdoğan Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 37th National Committee
    November 2015 Ankara. Oral Presentation
  9. Our Experience in Combination of Suture and Perichondrioadipodermal Flap Technique in Correcting Scoop Ear Deformity
    Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr. Ekrem Ramazan Keskin,Dr. Hasan Büyükdoğan,Dr. İhsan Türkmen, Dr.Erinç Evrensel
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 37th National Committee
    November 2015 Ankara. Oral Presentation
  10. External Ear Canal Causing Sensory Defects
    Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr. Hasan Büyükdoğan,Dr. İhsan Türkmen,Dr. Ekrem Ramazan Keskin, Dr.Serkan Kaya
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 37th National Committee
    November 2015 Ankara. Poster
  11. Combined Topical 5% Imiquimod Oral Propranolol Treatment in A Case of Infantile Hemangioma which Auricle Settled
    Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr. İhsan Türkmen,Dr. Hasan Büyükdoğan,Dr.Shahrukh Omar, Dr.Ekrem Ramazan
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 37th National Committee
    November 2015 Ankara. PosterKeutel Syndrome: Nasal Skin Expansion With Repetitive Oil Injections.
  12. Dr.Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu,Dr. Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit,Dr.İhsan Türkmen,Dr. Ekrem Ramazan Keskin, Dr.Hasan Büyükdoğan
    Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society, 37th National Committee
    November 2015 Ankara. Poster


  1. 2017 January -Dr. Barış Çakır Rhinoplasty Fellowship
  2. 2017 April -Dorsum Preservation Rhinoplasty (Let Down-Push Down) Cadaver Course- Barcelona
  3. 2017 November –Karma Rhinoplasty Course -Istanbul
  4. 2017 December – Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Course – Istanbul
  5. 2018 November -Preservation Rhinoplasty Meeting (Let Down-Push Down) – Istanbul


  1. Suture Material and Suture Techniques (November 2010)
  2. 2.Thermal, Chemical and Electrical Injuries (January 2011)
  3. Examination and Approach in Maxxillofacial Injuries and Hand Injuries (March 2011)
  4. 4.Wound Healing “General Principles” (November 2011)
  5. Tendon Healing and Repair Techniques(Jun 2012)
  6. Wound Healing for Plastic Surgeons (October 2012)
  7. Diagnosis and Treatment Methods of Malignant and Benign Tumors in Upper Extremity (December 2012)
  8. Microchips (January 2014)
  9. Preoperative Preparation and Postoperative Follow up OF Hand Surgery Patients (March 2014)
  10. Face Lifting Techniques (Novemver 2014)

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