Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Breast reconstruction is done on women that had their breast partially or completely removed to rebuild the shape of the breasts. Breasts hold an important place on a women’s appearance. Therefore, the removal of the breast can negatively influence a women’s psychology. Silicone prosthesis or flaps procedures can be done to rebuild the shape of the breast. Breast reconstruction surgeries can be done with mastectomy (removal of the breast) or after mastectomy depending on the patient. In our article you can find the answers to your questions about breast reconstruction.



What is Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure done to reconstruct and rebuild the breast shape after the removal of the breast due to cancer or any other illness. Breast reconstruction surgeries are planned depending on the patient’s breast structure. Silicone prosthesis or other surgical methods can be used paying attention to the amount of breast tissue formerly removed, breast size and patients requests.


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Who Can Get Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

Almost any patient that has undergone mastectomy can get breast reconstruction surgery.


When Can You Get Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

If the patient is suitable for a long surgical procedure, and if patients age and general health allows it patients can get breast reconstruction surgery during mastectomy. This is called “early reconstruction”.

But if the patient has advanced age, high blood pressure or other chronic illness and is not suitable for a long surgical procedure “late reconstruction” is preferred. Meaning breast reconstruction is done after the removal of the breast when it is seen suitable. Late reconstruction surgery can also be done on patients with ongoing oncologic treatment or patients with general health that does not allow early reconstruction.

How is Breast Reconstruction Surgery Done?

Different methods can be used in breast reconstruction surgeries. At this point the amount of tissue removed and patients breast structure is important.

  • Silicone Prosthesis: Breast skin and areola is protected; damaged tissues are removed, and silicone prosthesis is placed. Usually, silicones with textured surface and filled with gel are used. This method is preferred on patients that have the suitable breast structure and that are early-stage cancer patients.
  • Skin Expander: It is the most used breast reconstruction technique. Commonly used on patients that do not have the necessary space required for silicone implants. An apparatus is placed behind the breast muscle to expand the tissues. This apparatus is frequently enlarged for some time. When the desired pocket size is achieved apparatus is removed and silicone implants is placed.
  • Flap Method: Used on patient that are not suitable for breast implants due to various reasons this method does not require breast implants. Instead, a breast shape is formed using fat tissues removed from different places of the patient’s body. Usually, fat is removed from areas like stomach, back or hips that have high fat accumulation. Flap method can use various techniques depending on the patient’s needs. There are many flap reconstruction techniques.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

Like any surgical procedure, breast reconstruction also has risks like bleeding et cetera. Other than this

  • Patients may not be satisfied with the new breast look
  • Scars on the breast area may cause aesthetic concerns
  • Feeling may lessen at breast area
  • Some patients may require extra surgical procedures to beautify nipple area.

Breast reconstruction surgery supports patients’ psychological wellbeing. Especially patients that undergo breast reconstruction with mastectomy have a high morale because they do not go through the period after mastectomy which they have no breasts.

Breast Reconstruction Surgery After Care

Breast reconstruction surgery is done under general anaesthesia. Therefore, patients are required to rest in the hospital for some time. Patients can be discharged after 2-5 days. Approximately 10 days after the surgery stitches are removed and healing process begins. It can take up to 4-6 weeks for patients to return normal life.


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